Tech: A Force for Good or Realism

American technology companies are herald by techies as global forces for good. While companies such as Google and Facebook has transformed our lives they are business and with a primary focus on one thing. Profit.

Google is one of the wealthiest companies in the world worth 364 Billion. And finally Facebook is a company that has yet to make a profit (though not from lack of effort) is worth some 212 Billion.

Google is a company whose motto is Do no evil. I actually admire such a noble goal and the will to publicly proclaim it. Yet through Google has such a motto its seem they have not been able to hold themselves to their high ideal. Google has been accused of violating anti trust laws both in the United States and the European Union. How you might ask?

Google’s search engine is not unbiased not by any means. Instead when someone is looking for a new shirt or a new computer the most trafficked links are not the first results shown. No instead of being a near perfect way of delivering search results Google allows companies to pay them so that those companies appear higher in search rankings.

The American government as well as the American people have accepted such violations. Anti-trust lawsuits in the US have resulted in little consequences for Google. In the Europeans Union things work a little differently. In 2014 the European Union voted to break up Google and also believes that Google may be forced to pay 6 Billion euros in fines.

It seems the motto Do no evil has become Do a little harm. Google is certainly not the only company to violate its so-called mission.


Facebook’s for example is all about connecting people who share interests and like-minded views. It allows for anyone to posts discussion on subjects ranging from pizza to the politicization of drugs. Anything as long as it is not overly violent or pornographic is allowed to be posted. Facebook has repeatedly said it is anti-censorship and believes in the freedom of information. Or at least it does until its economic interests are threatened.

China is one of the biggest tech markets in the world with an estimated six hundred million people connected to the web. Facebook has categorically removed posts that are pro-Tibetan or come from Tibetan activist group. Tibet of course seeks independence from the Chinese government. The Chinese government believes the Dali Lama to be an enemy and refuses to recognize Tibetan independence. These posts include monk self-immolation as well as pictures of anti-government protestors. Facebook is currently blocked by the Chinese government, however being a social network as well as one of the largest media hubs in the world Facebook wants access to Chinese consumers.

Rumors have persisted that Facebook has been working on a deal with the Chinese government in order to be allowed in China. And so Facebook has gone about censoring pro-Tibetan posts. It is believed that Facebook does so to gain favor with the Chinese government.

So it seems Facebook made a simple choice. If the rumors are true then Facebook made the correct business decision if a hypocritical moral one.

In the west we embrace values like democracy and freedom of expression. Our top companies claim to possess and act on such values. They usually do but when it comes down to it choices must be made. It is not entirely the fault of tech companies. They are simply idealistic well-intentioned companies that live in a hyper competitive and profit driven world.