Sanctions and Planes: Ukraine Strikes Back


O the world it seems is never quiet. Russia has once again caught this news cycle. For one President Obama recently announced new US sanctions against Russia. Second another Malaysia flight 17 has been brought down this time by Russia Rebels located in the Ukraine.

President Obama’s new sanctions will be far more effective then the previous ones. Past sanctions have only punished members of Russia’s political lite (Putin’s inner circle)  by freezing bank accounts  and preventing travel to the US. These new sanction’s will directly harm the Russia state by attacking several of its largest corporations threaten to severely damage.

The corporations under these sanction are Gazprombank and Vnesheconombank two of Russia’s Banks, OAO Novatek “Russia’s largest independent producer of natural gas, and Rosneft, the largest petroleum company [in] [the] [world]”. Unless Ukraine is allowed to flourish without Russian interferences (which I doubt will happen) I believe that these sanctions will wreck havoc with the Russian economy.


The second development regarding Russia and Ukraine tragically involve the loss of human life. Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot down by pro Russian rebel forces while flying over eastern Ukraine.  Russia via its powerful propaganda machine is stating that western media is over sensationalizing the event. I disagree.

Putin seems to be callous about the fact that Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was an all-civilian passenger plane with no stake in the Russian Ukrainian conflict. The world must force Putin to get his troops and supporters in the Ukraine under control. I fear as the Ukrainian conflict heats up more civilian casualties are sure to occur due to actions of pro-Russian forces with little restrained.

Israel & Gaza: Stripped of Peace



These past weeks have shaken up both Israel and the Gaza Strip. It began with the vicious murders of three Israeli teenagers by a number of unknown Palestinian. Yet the violence did not there. Israeli settlers responded with their own vicious attack, a Palestinian teenager was burned alive by a group of unknown Israeli’s. And yet the violence did not end there.

Hamas and or Palestinian operatives have been launching rockets and drones from the Gaza Strip. Israel responds in the way it must; with airstrikes striking locations throughout the Gaza Strip. The balance of death may remain skewed with approximately 150Palestinian’s dead and zero Israeli’s killed. I cannot in good faith say Israel is responsible for this skewed casualty rate

Israel though made up of Jews, whom are an extremely minority in a hostile land, has turned its nation into a desert fortress protected by that technological marvel the Iron Dome. The Iron Dome is quite simply the world’s must advanced missile defense system. With the Iron Dome, Israel is able to neutralize (almost) every missile launched by Hamas in an attack against the Israeli people.

Hamas, the self proclaimed protector of the Palestinian people, wishes to serve its own agenda of Israeli extermination then care for the welfare of the people of Palestine. This is not an opinion but a statement founded in fact, the past 24 hours have made this clear.

Late last night Israel successfully negotiated a cease-fire with the Egyptian Government whom represented the State of Palestine in the negotiations holds influence with Palestinian leaders. Israeli stopped their airstrikes with the understanding that no more missiles will be launched from the Gaza Strip which is under control of the State of Palestine.

Hamas, the militant arm of the State of Palestine, did not get the memo. Attacks against Israel quickly resumed; Israel (rightfully so) ended the cease fire and has resumed military operations in the Gaza Strip. The drums of war now steadily beat. Rumor has it that Israel will soon launch ground operations against Hamas by invading the Gaza Strip.


Israel cannot be condemned for these attacks or the actions it will soon take nor can the State of Palestine itself be blamed. The blood that will soon be shed, will be shed due to the actions of Hamas who would plunge the Gaza Strip into chaos to launch ineffective missiles against Israel.

Immigration, Obama, and the Children


President Obama must confront an immigration crisis, one that touches the very fabric of America’s national character. Children from Latin American countries, countries often with high rates of crime and poverty, are encouraged by their parents to make a dangerous hundred miles long journey to the United States. These parents do care and love their children, they believe that the only way for their children to live a life free from poverty and crime is through immigration to the US, whether that be legal or otherwise.

President Obama along with Congress must respond to the children coming over our borders and into the Unites States. President Obama is being criticized by Republicans for not going to the border and confronting the issue personally. While I do believe President Obama should go down to the border to show that he is taking an active interest in the well being of these children I also believe that such a gesture would be largely symbolic.


President Obama is on the right path (or should I say the left path, pun intended) asking Congress to appropriate him $3.7 billion to deal with the influx of youth immigrants from Latin America. Yet Republicans seem to be addressing political brinksmanship then attempting to solve the problem of the illegal minor immigrants. Instead they blame Obama for the current problem for not providing the US-Mexico border with enough security throughout his tenure as President of the United States.
I do not agree with the GOP on this issue. There is more border security personnel patrolling the border under President Obama then under President Bush yet Republicans still blame President Obama for the current immigration crisis.

If the Republican Caucus of Congress wishes to solve this crisis, instead of shifting blame upon President Obama, they should agree to his $3.7 billion appropriation measure.

Executive Power? To use or not to use

President Obama recently delivered a speech vowing to bypass congress when it comes to enacting meaningful immigration reform. While the power and sovereignty of Congress’ rights must be protected the President of the United States cannot allow legislation, which will impact millions (And the future of the United States itself), to be stonewalled in Congress.

I believe that Obama is justified in the route he plans to take regarding immigration reform. While it is not the Presidents job to enact meaningful legislation it is in is mandate to develop meaningful legislation and care for the citizens of the United States.

If Congress will not pass or push for legislation that will benefit millions, then I believe that the President of the United States has the legal ability as well as the legal responsibility to use Executive Orders to pass transformative legislation that congress refuses to address.