Torture? An American Oversight


The United States is a proud defender of human rights throughout the globe. Yet it seems during the
War on Terror, which has encompassed the Presidential Administrations of President Bush and President Obama, the United States took part in the barbaric practice that is torture.

Don’t get me wrong though, the Bush Administration, while admittedly knowing little about the CIA’s (Central Intelligence Agency) torture program, would not confirm that torture was being used on America’s enemies during the War on Terror. Instead a new phrase was created, the United States didn’t torture it simply used “enhanced interrogation techniques”. Such a phrase is some of the greatest political malarkey I have ever heard.

Yet the CIA consoled presidents and the public alike with one fact; such techniques, the CIA said, illicit information that lead to the 2011 death of Osama Bin Laden.

It appears such a claim is patently false. Torture or “Enhanced Interrogation Techniques” did not in any way lead to the death of Osama Bin Laden.

The CIA with little oversight used techniques that go against American values and subsequently how prisoners of war should be treated. Furthermore these cruel techniques did not result in information that lead to the death of Osama Bin Laden.


Balancing oversight with security is always a difficult battle, the nature of what the CIA does is secret, to much oversight could greatly hamper the CIA’s reputation as a premier intelligent gathering agency.

With that said, covert programs that go against the grain of American values and break international law cannot be tolerated. A problem is once violations are uncovered in covert programs no one is held accountable

If necessary the President must be briefed on the specifics of covert programs, for to long our nations Presidents have consistently ducked responsibility by denying knowledge about the specifics of a program, such a defense is often legitimate. While I don’t like the idea of the Executive Branch policing covert programs, programs that violate basic human rights show there is some need for executive oversight.

A Weary Public and a Mission Creeping

The United States is, unofficially of course, waging war against ISIS ( Islamic state of Iraq and Syria). While I don’t like jumping into conflict, wars cannot be fought with drones and US forces posing as military “advisors”. Yet the US, particularly after what many considers failures in Iraq and Afghanistan, is war weary. Politicians, such as but not limited to President Barack Obama, are on the lookout for mission creep and the accompanying American investment (such as money, lives and prestige) that follows.

Mission creep. A term used to describe a foreign policy excursion that eventually becomes a long-term military occupation. We saw it in Vietnam, now we are seeing it in Syria and Iraq. I am referring to the US’ conduct against opposition to ISIS and how our role as military “advisors” can quickly transition to war fighting combatants.


Politicians and the public now prefer wars to be fought on the cheap with drones that strike strategic targets and high-level enemy personnel. Why send in tens of thousands of troops when you can send in a few hundred Special Operations Operators to fight America’s wars? While I am all for avoiding bloodshed, fighting wars cheaply and not showing massive force in the beginning of a conflict is why Iraq and even Afghanistan is considered the foreign policy failure that it is today.

While I understand Americans are frustrated with perpetual warfare, wars cannot be halfway affairs; they must be conducted with massive and overwhelming force to ensure a quick victory. The Powell doctrine must be invoked; if politics and public opinion cannot guarantee a quick American victory along with a massive show of force then the United States should take no overt action in that conflict.

Hagel Chucked Out


It seems President Obama is losing key members of his administration left and right. The latest loss from Obama’s Administration comes from Chuck Hagel, a former Republican Senator and the Secretary of Defense.

It was announced yesterday that within a few weeks Secretary Hagel will be stepping down as Secretary of Defense, one of the most powerful posts in the United States. While he has officially resigned he will still remain the acting Secretary of Defense until a replacement is found

While officially the White House sends Secretary Hagel out the door with praise there are “rumors” from administration insiders that Hagel is seen as a lackluster Secretary of Defense whom has done little to make good on President Obama’s agenda.

I for one find the announcement quite surprising. While Hagel is not particularly effective I did not find Hagel particularly ineffective. The question is, Was Hagel really looked down upon by administration insiders or did he just wish to leave what he may see as a sinking ship?

I hope that President Obama chooses a Secretary of Defense that can lead this nations vast military bureaucracy and just as importantly be confirmed by the United States Senate. We are transitioning to a new era of conflict and thus need someone in charge of the Pentagon whom can lead the US military through multiple crisis.

O Executive Action, How we need you


O executive action, that time honored pseudo legal power that modern Presidents possess, is coming under scrutiny as President Obama vows to act unilaterally on immigration reform.

Americans universally acknowledge that the United States’ immigration system is broken. While we may be divided on what to do about immigration we all know something must be done. Our political leaders, elected to lead us, have not been able to compromise on this important issue.

President Obama feels, as do I, that if Congress does not act he has the responsibility to enact immigration reform to benefit the nation. This has naturally lead to outrage from Republicans as an abuse of executive authority. I would rather Congress act on immigration but politicians from either party have shown a reluctance if not an inability to compromise


The political back drop, is of course, the shellacking Democrats took in the midterms elections earlier this month. With the lame duck congress gridlocked and the following Congress to likely follow suit; President Obama will most likely act on immigration if Congress cannot pass meaningful legislation.

The problem of President Obama acting unilaterally is dubious legal reasoning (which other presidents have exploited in the past), the weakening of Congress’ power (though they have weakened themselves), and overreach of the Executive Branch. While the claims may be valid President Obama cannot preside as a figurehead over a nationally debate that will effect the lives of millions and potentially the future of the United States.

The Rosetta touches down


The Rosetta Spacecraft, has dispatched its lander Philae, in the process becoming the first man made object to land on a comet. This landing will come to revolutionize space exploration, we now know humanity can land on an object as fast moving and hostile as a comet. It stands to reason that other celestial bodies similar to comets can be landed on, such as asteroids.

Humans have never landed a spacecraft on an asteroid, which like a comet (though there are some differences) is at its most basic definition is a large rock hurtling through the darkness of space. Unlike a comet, an asteroid is not covered in ice as a result it doesn’t grow a majestic tail that comets are so famous for as it approaches the sun. I believe though, following the success of Rosetta’s and Philae’s landing, we will naturally attempt to land on an asteroid. Landing on an asteroid, while amazing in its own right could truly transform human space exploration.

Landing on a comet paves the way for the theoretical enterprise that is Asteroid mining. Asteroids are known to have large amounts of rare earth metals, anyone whom could harvest the untapped wealth of an asteroid would reap unseen amounts of riches. Humans have not yet landed on an asteroid nor attempted to mine; fortunately Rosetta and Philae has shown that such a venture could succeed.


The work of the European Space Agency (ESA), whom is responsible for the creation of Rosetta and Philae, is truly revolutionary. The ESA has completed a herculean task, which many people in recent years would have deemed impossible. I believe that Rosetta’s and Philae’s mission may very well pave the way for asteroid mining and the development of further space technologies.

The Rosetta Spacecraft, has dispatched its lander Philae, in the process becoming the first man made object to land on a comet. This landing will come to revolutionize space exploration, we now know humanity can land on an object as fast moving and hostile as a comet. It stands to reason that other celestial bodies similar to comets can be landed on, such as asteroids.

Humans have never landed a spacecraft on an asteroid, which like a comet (though there are some differences) is at its most basic definition is a large rock hurtling through the darkness of space. Unlike a comet, an asteroid is not covered in ice as a result it doesn’t grow a majestic tail that comets are so famous for as it approaches the sun. I believe though, following the success of Rosetta’s and Philae’s landing, we will naturally attempt to land on an asteroid. Landing on an asteroid, while amazing in its own right could truly transform human space exploration.


The Rosetta Spacecraft: Landing where nothing has Landed before


The Rosetta spacecraft, an one billion dollar aluminum marvel of astronautically engineering created by the European Space Agency was launched into space ten years ago. On this day, Rosetta and its lander, Philae, will finally complete its mission; its mission is nothing short of landing on a cold rocky briefly inflamed sphere we know as a comet.

Rosetta has been cruising the cool, silent black that is space for ten years now. While, the project had not always been on the public’s radar, it now sits at the crest of human space technology breakthroughs in recent years. Never before has a man made object landed on a comet, a comet hurls through space and traverses our solar system at a speed of over 60,000 km/h.


As I write Rosetta is on the comets tail, and of course a pun was intended. With only a few hours away till landing this period is still the most dangerous for Rosetta. While a contingency is in place the margin for error is extremely low, furthermore since comets have low fields gravity fore keeping objects weighed down Rosetta has a tiny amount of time to attach itself to the comet lest Rosetta fails in its mission.

Already Rosetta’s landing module did not power up properly with Philae not responding as rapidly as it should. Even with such concerns the Rosetta spacecraft and the experiments it will conduct are an amazing way to understand these celestial bodies and perhaps even unlock the mysteries of life formation on Earth.


Obama: A Mislead Legacy


Barack Obama, the political scion, whom infused a nation with hope is no more. Instead Obama the man, Obama the Presidents of the United States, lives in his place. He was faced with high expectations, a nation left destitute, and was elected in a hyper partisan political system.

Barack Obama may have lost the faith of his party and the people, yet the good he has done has been hijacked by the obstructionism and narrative of the Republicans Party, a narrative that the Republicans crafted in order to “win” the contest that are the midterm elections.

During the recession President Obama, was able to stabilize the economy and prevent the US from sliding into a second Great Depression. He was able to the Affordable Care Act (popularly known as ObamaCare), while suffering problems decreased healthcare cost for millions of Americans. When President Obama took office GDP (Growth Domestic Product) growth was one percent, its current growth rate is now three point five percent.

President Obama’s foreign policy has been lampooned by Republicans and the public alike. Yet he successful pulled us out of the quagmire that is the Middle East and Middle Eastern Politics, furthermore his economic warfare against Russia is working, as I type the Russian ruble (Russia’s currency) is collapsing. President Obama was elected, in no small part, due to his promise to wind down wars in the Middle East, the American public does not wish to send ground troops into combat. Furthermore under President Obama AL-Qaeda’s core leadership, including but not limited to Osama Bin Laden, has been eradicated. Mission Accomplished I believe.

And yes Republicans have attacked Obama with attacks such as “ He’s not doing enough to combat ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). Yet when pressed for what Obama should do the Republican Party has no answers. Republicans accuse Obama of being weak against ISIS yet are also “adamantly” against deploying troops to the Middle East.


Obama no doubt is a major factor in the Democratic Party getting overrun in the congressional midterms; Republicans, through extensive planning have been able to take control of the national mood of the nation and forge it into anti-Obama sentiment.

Were the positions reversed Democrats would use similar tactics, such as they did in the 2006 mid terms elections, by framing the midterms as a referendum on then-President George W. Bush the Democrats were able to control the Senate and House of Representatives. The Republicans now have a chance to compromise and forge a political resume that would allow a Republican to win the White House in 2016.

To the credit of Republicans Obama has also had demonstrated some measure of incompetency. From pledging US action if Bashar Al Assad crossed a redline by gassing Syrians to the failed ObamaCare rollout, Obama has shown that he is perhaps not the most effective governor of the state.


If no compromises can be found then Republicans will damage their national reputation and Obama’s legacy will truly be tarnished. If there’s one thing all Americans can agree on is that our political system is broken. Something must change.

The question is what?

A promise of change, A potential for progress

November 4th is no more, with November 5th comes promise not of progress but of change. The Republicans easily keep control of the United States House of Representatives and took control of the United States Senate. Regardless of what Democratic leaders said publicly we all expected it; from the historical lack of seats for a Presidents party six years into his term to Obama’s particular problems regarding executive leadership, the Democrats were due for a loss.

The count for the next Congress is this: Republican will have at least 246 house seats, and 52 seats in the Senate( Two races are undeclared in Louisiana and Alaska but easily lean Republican.)

I do not see the next year being productive for Washington with a Democrat executive and republican congress its quite unlikely to pass legislation

But Hope does remain.


If Obama embraces a centrist philosophy, such as Bill Clinton did throughout his presidency (but particularly in 1998), and Republicans attempt to compromise, our national leaders have a chance to rebuild America from Washington. With that said egos and political difficulties on both sides will make such a scenario improbable.

My fellow Americans do not fret about the integrity of our newly elected officials, after all we get the government we vote (of don’t vote for).